Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Orange Benefits

This morning I was backpacking up the hill to culinary lecture. I say, "backpacking" because that's what moving around the Delhi campus essentially is: hiking on a mountain with a pack. Anyway, I digress. So... I was trying to speed to class at a fast clip, doing my thing, focused on the tasks ahead, and then I saw brilliant orange floaters (you know, the seed pod thingys that fall off of trees) on the sidewalks, grass, everywhere. They hadn't been there yesterday, but they were here now. Combined with an unusually balmy breeze, it was like God flung a bold swath of confetti on the school, really cool and beautiful confetti.

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation (Psa. 68:19)."


Elisabeth said...


And oh how happy to have a peek into your world.

Sarah said...

Ok,so I lied...After I wrote this post,I noticed that the "pods" were actually small leaves.It was still beautiful.