Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sabbath Treat

I recently discovered a new clothing site that I now love. Shabby Apple has created a contest to find the best clothing vignette. Here's mine:

Every Friday night my family celebrates a Sabbath (Definition of Sabbath: an excuse to be lazy after an arduous week of pursuing the American dream).

After making the bathrooms sparkly and fighting back the beasts of kitchen clutter...

We stop.

We are quiet.

We pray and sing.

Candle flames bow and wave to the darkened living room walls. Fatigued muscles heave a sigh of relief. Too much longer, and the couch becomes a bed!


We eat Sabbath Treat! (Definition of Sabbath Treat: yummy food eaten on Friday night)

Sabbath is a special time for me. I love finding ways to celebrate or make it special with other kinds of "sabbath treats" like flower arrangements, brand-new candles, or reading a book just for fun.

Sometimes, I dress up. Here is my idea of a fashionable "sabbath treat":





lis said...

I love it! And I love that you have a blog!

KJ said...

GIRL! You have a great way with words! Hurray for special descriptions of Sabbath and all the goodies that come with it!

Sarah said...

Man, that flower picture has got to go. I don't know why it's so flattened.